BTRMIX003: Boot

In case you missed it on all of our other social media spamming, 11 months later we finally have the third instalment of our BTRMIX series. For this edition we thought no further than a man who arguably understands the ethos of Big Ting like no other (us included). Boot takes us on an hour long journey through the blurred lines of Techno and Drum & Bass, two worlds which most believe to be an unconventional pairing. This blurred line, now casually referred to as “Grey Area” (Thanks to Samurai Horo and Auxiliary for that one) traverses the darkest most intricate soundscapes of both of these genres. There is no-one else in Sydney who understands the beauty of these weird musical forms like Boot, listen below to discover just how forward thinking and incredible this music is.

Shout outs to Redbull for featuring BTRMIX003 in their 20 best DJ mixes of 2016, you can read about their (Andrew Wowk’s) thoughts here

Words by: Peter Dimou

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Big Ting Recordings
Exposing Australia's deeper music to the world. Smashing Rivets and bringing the bass weight.